Monday, 7 January 2013

Boss Fights in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Part 2: King Dodongo


Includes spoilers from: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Infernal Dinosaur

King Dodongo

Is yet another title that appears on the screen before you fight a boss. This time it's the second boss of the game, King Dodongo. King Dodongo was listed by Cracked as one of the bosses that are actually the victim, and I can kind of agree. King Dodongo is a HUGE dinosaur/dragon walking around in a room with a lava lake in the middle that is actually hot enough to kill it. This leaves a ring of stone around the lava barely broad enough for the creature to walk there. Plus the only way in/out is a little hole in the ceiling that the dinosaur/dragon could never get through. Feeling guilty? You shouldn't. If you pay attention, the dinogon* somehow stops the gorons from getting to the place they get their food from. A mine. Yup, to those of you who haven't played Ocarina of Time (if so, why not? It costs 1000 Wii points [= approximately $10 or £4.98] on WiiShop, sadly you need a GameCube controller or a Wii Classic controller, but they aren't to expensive) gorons eat freaking rocks. ROCKS. ROCKS! Plus they're rocks themselves (doesn't that make them cannibals?) so they can roll down mountains like boulders, FREAKING BOULDERS! They're probably one of the most bad-ass races in the history of electronic entertainment!  Plus they're immune to lava.
Anyway, you start out in front of the dinogon and you run around the lava lake being "chased" by the lizard**, and once he starts inhaling you throw a bomb into his mouth and *KABOOM* he is knocked down. Now you run to the knocked lizard and slash away. After a few slashes, he wil rise and, just like a goron, curl into a boulder-like ball and start rolling around. Now you're ment to run into the corner wher he can't hit you, and wait until he stops. Or you could equip that hylian shield you may or may not have gotten for a discount at the bazaar and crouch and *BAM* no damage taken. After you repeat this, I think it is 3, times he will start rolling again, but he is to dizzy, and will fall into the lava lake and burn to death. Now it's time for you to recieve a well earned prize, a heart container and a bunch of goron hugs (help!).

*Dinogon=portmanteau of dinosaur and dragon, because one source says it's a dragon and another says it's a dinosaur.
**It struck me that both dinosaurs and dragons are lizards, so i will go with lizard for the rest of the post

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