Thursday, 3 January 2013


You might be reading this post and thinking, "Who the heck is GamingLobster?" Well I will tell you now. I am the one who put the Dragoon in ZuperDragoon, you see, the channel was created back when I was going by the name BlizzardDragoon (I changed it because it sounded too generic) anyway, time to get to the article.
I'm not going to lie to you, because anyone who knows me personally know that I am a HUGE The Legend of Zelda geek, even my current name is inspired by Wind Waker Link's tunic he has in the beginning of the game (or through the whole game if you play Second Quest) and I think it's an awesome series and my favourite (Super Mario being the second, and almost every war FPS at the very botton) and a game that I think would renew the series would be paper Zelda. I mean come on, they did Link's Awakening and could get away with having Mario (Tarin), Luigi (The Cucco guy), Kirby (Anti-Kirbies, or simply Kirbies if you live in Japan), Shy-Guys (Mask-Mimics) and many other nintendo characters, because it was a dream! They could make a similar, explanation to make a Paper Zelda. Why would such an explanation be needed? Because Paper Mario work because Mario is a kind of humorous series, while Zelda is more serious, and a world of paper might anger a lot of fans, but if Nintendo would create a world similar to Koholint Island, that would give them a lot of freedom to do as they want, and even Ganon as a playable character, or even an ally of Link and Zelda! It would also be a fun way to (re)introduce more RPG elements into Zelda, which I would personally love!
The playable characters I think should be:
  • Link - Of course, this one is pretty self explanatory, you can't make a Zelda game without Link.
  • Zelda - This would be the first time we could actually play as the princess herself!
  • Ganon - Why? BECAUSE HE'S FREAKING AWESOME! Just imagine running around as a blue pig-demon killing stuff, and I really hope they give him a funny personality, just like they did with Bowser (not that he didn't already have one, but still, you get the point)
  • ??? - I'm going to let you decide the fourth one, and by ??? I dont mean this.
Discuss this in the comments, AND FOR THE LOVE OF NAYRU, DON'T SUGGEST TINGLE!

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